Open Data in Europe 2022

Open data maturity is measured across Europe using a selected series of indicators that cover the level of development of open data national policies, an assessment of national data portal features and the expected impact of open data.

The indicators and report for 2022 benchmarks progress achieved by EU Member States in the field of open data and is the eighth consecutive annual report by data.europa.eu. The report is based on a self-assessment survey completed by 35 countries, including three European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries, four candidate countries, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The survey covers four dimensions related to open data development, namely:

  • Policy: open data policies and strategies put in place;
  • Impact: analyses the willingness, preparedness, and ability to measure both the reuse of and impact created ;
  • Portal: features, use and sustainability of national open data portals;
  • Quality: measures adopted by portal managers to ensure the systematic harvesting of metadata from sources across the country.

Countries are scored and clustered into four different groups, namely trend-setters, fast-trackers, followers, and beginners. Through this clustering and scoring the hope is to encourage further development of open data and to provide recommendations that target each specific group.

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