Right to Information : case studies on implementation

Author(s): Trapnell, Stephanie E. , editor, World Bank

Resource Type: Reports and studies

SDG: GOAL 16. Peace and Justice Strong Institutions, GOAL 17. Partnerships to achieve the Goal

Keywords: Access to Information


Right to Information

case studies on implementation

Right to information (RTI) laws establish the right of citizens to access information about the functioning of their governments. The adoption of laws establishing the right to information (also referred to as access to information or freedom of information) has been extremely active in the past two decades. The number of countries that have passed RTI legislation has risen dramatically in the last two decades, from approximately 13 to over 95, including many countries in Eastern Europe, Asia, Latin America, and most recently, Africa and the Middle East. This volume of case studies is an attempt to better understand the factors that drive effectiveness in RTI implementation. It serves as the basis for a separate meta-analysis of these twelve country case studies that reveals recurring patterns, challenges, and resulting solutions in the implementation of RTI systems.

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