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Author(s): Ministry of Transport and Communications

Resource Type: Case studies

Countries: Qatar

SDG: GOAL 16. Peace and Justice Strong Institutions

Keywords: Access to Information, Transparency, Data management

Qatar Government Data Exchange Platform "Hukoomi"

Source in English:     ESCWA-OECD Case Study - Government Data Exchange, Qatar

The Government Data Exchange (GDX) platform "Hukoomi" is a centralized platform that facilitates the exchange of data between public entities in the backside of completing business processes and/or online e-services.   It solves the problem of slow and long manual processes of services and operations and increases efficiency and automation of services.    Both institutions and users benefit from this system, with better work and service delivery for the involved entities, and with users not having to submit hard copies of documents as their information gets verified directly from the data sources entities.

Implementation:  Since 2003


The platform depends on different Ministries and entities to function, including:

  • Ministries of Transport and Communications, Public Health, Justice, Municipality and Environment, Education and Higher Education.
  • Qatar General Electricity and Water Corporation "KAHRAMAA".
  • Ooredoo Telecom company, and Vodafone Qatar.
  • Qatar Financial Centre.
  • Judiciary Supreme Council.


The project aimed to facilitate an efficient exchange of Government data between public entities, for enabling efficient processes and services and widening the reach and use of public services.


  • Providing Government entities with a one-stop shop for data exchange foundations and standards, and a registry or index of all available data sets.
  • Providing an interface to both data users and data providers, to submit and receive requests and to control access rights.
  • Standardizing integration methods and data models and defining data ownership.


The platform benefits both users of online services and the involved Government entities, where both benefit from the completion of work processes and services in a more efficient way.


  • Delivering online public services while saving the time and efforts for completion.
  • Automating services with better efficiency in work processes on the front end with users and on the back end in the exchange of data amongst the involved entities.
  • Completing complex services without the need for users or entities to verify documents or missing data.

Useful links

Hukoomi – Qatar Gateway to Information and Services

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