Bekhedmetkom Platform - Jordan

Source in Arabic: ESCWA-OECD Case Study - Bekhedmetkom Platform, Jordan

The Bekhedmetkom platform represents a channel that allows citizens to communicate with the Government to convey their voice in regard to public services, by inquiring, raising complaints, submitting suggestions, commending on services they receive, and reporting violations.  It provides a means to engage citizens in improving public services and government performance.

Implementation:  2018


The Institutional Performance Planning and Development Directorate in the Prime Ministry of Jordan launched this platform in collaboration with all government departments and senior administrations, and in coordination with the Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship.


The platform's key objective is to unify the efforts exerted to organize the citizens’ relationship with the Government, as it puts together all technical aspects under one umbrella, hence achieving flexibility, speed and responsiveness.

In addition, it facilitates follow-up, evaluation and information-based planning. This activity also aims to improve government performance, services and productivity, fulfil citizens’ needs, enhance transparency and accountability, and reduce corruption.


The platform includes 106 government services departments and provides various communication channels to meet the needs of all society groups. Additionally, it includes a performance dashboard for all concerned at all organizational levels. Applications are submitted through simple and innovative procedures under the five titles: Ask the Government, Suggestion, Compliment, Complaint, and Report. 

The implementation of the platform included developing work methodologies and mechanisms for the platform, setting dynamic time frames for handling requests, capacity-building to guarantee the quality of solutions and responses. In the event of a delay in response, requests are automatically referred to higher-level officials.


  • Citizens, foreigners, business owners, companies and investors receiving government services.
  • Ministries and government departments.
  • Decision makers.


  • More efficient and effective processing of citizens' applications, and responding diligently and finding concrete solutions.
  • Following up and achieving accountability at all administrative levels.
  • Making use of the platform's outputs in the continuous development of methods used for addressing defects and weaknesses.
  • Preparing studies and development plans by government departments based on the reports and recommendations submitted by the platform management.
  • Showcasing a number of success stories where citizens’ requests were processed, which encourages government departments and creates a spirit of competition among them.
  • Motivating a number of processing and follow-up officers.


  • The short period allocated for the implementation of this project.
  • Resistance of some government departments and bodies to be part of this system and to have a subordinate role with the ministries or the sector under which they operate.
  • Dissatisfaction with the timeframes required to respond and find solutions that were specified in the platform's instructions (Level agreement service).
  • Difficulty in dealing with the platform's electronic system by liaison officers.
  • Objection to the evaluation process of the platform.
  • Lack of commitment by some departments to provide the technical requirements necessary for the functioning of the platform.
  • Technical issues and comments on the platform's electronic system.

Useful links

Interactive e-Gov platform (Bekhedmetkom)

Bekhedmetkom application on google

Video on how to use Bekhedmetkom application

Dashboard of indicators for the Government Complaint Management System

Twitter account @Bekhedmetkom

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