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Author(s): Central Agency for Information Technology

Resource Type: Case studies

Countries: Kuwait

SDG: GOAL 3. Good Health and Well-being

Keywords: Access to Information, Transparency, Health


COVID-19 Updates - Kuwait

Source in Arabic:  ESCWA-OECD Case Study - COVID 19 Updates, Kuwait

An official news website government news web site for publishing information on covid-19 pandemic in Kuwait, to serve as a unified source of reliable information for citizens and residents; and it contributes to reassuring people and enhancing transparency and credibility.   As a main official source of information, the web site contributes to limiting the spread of rumours.   It is operated under the supervision of the Central Agency for Information Technology, the Ministry of Health, and the Centre for Government Communication.


Ministries of Health, Finance, and Interior, Center for Government Communication, and Central Agency for Information Technology.


To have an initial response to covid-19 pandemic and support the related measures through deploying an official digital source of information on all developments, information and health cases related to covid-19 in Kuwait.


The site shares data on covid-19, including: About Corona; Number of infected cases, including the diagnosed, under treatment, critical, deceased, recovered, and quarantined cases; Statistical charts; Breaking news; Related frequently asked questions; Contact number for the Ministry of Health; Link to Contributions to the Pandemic Fund; and Government decisions in response to the crisis.


All entities, institutions, organizations and individuals can benefit from the web site through following up on the latest covid-19 news in Kuwait.


  • The web site contributed to enhancing transparency and cooperation between government institutions, which enabled publishing reliable data and limiting the spread of false information.
  • The government relied on a specialized central entity to keep pace with the technological trends for its services, through a platform that responds to public inquiries and questions.


  • Better public awareness on informatics and use of reliable digital information.
  • Individuals used the statistical information and shared it through social media, and web site users significantly increased.
  • Increased trust in official statistical information, which helped in reducing rumours.


  • Lack of time for data collection and developing a site that is accessible to many users and provides instant updates.
  • Ability to keep up and adapt to the changes and developments despite government red tape and the multiplicity of stakeholders.
  • Adopting flexible work measures that allow for applying new work strategies.

Useful links 

COVID 19 Updates - State of Kuwait

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